
Zantedeschia aethiopica shrubs - on W side of Delta Terrace interior courtyard
Yucca gigantea tall yuccas - on S wall of Rolfe Hall
Xylosma congestum trees - on N side of Rolfe Yard
Woodwardia fimbriata fern, bipinnatifid fronds - W side of Marion Davies
Wisteria sinensis vine - on trellis columns in Court of Sciences Student Center
Westringia hybrid shrubs, fls pale blue with orange spots - W side of Hershey Hall
Westringia fruticosa cv 'Morning Light, shrubs - Ostin N side
Washingtonia robusta tall palms - on S end of CHS/Dentistry Court
Washingtonia filifera grove of 9 thick-trunked palms - at fountain on SE corner of Medical Plaza 300 Bldg
Vitis hybrid vine, 10cm rounded lvs - on fence along Bellagio Drive
Vitex lucens multi-trunk tree, compound lvs - on W side of Guest House
Vitex agnus-castus four 2-3m deciduous trees - along N wall of IPAM, Portola Plaza Bldg
Vinca minor low groundcover, opp lvs, blue fls - at NW corner Engineering V
Vinca major dense trailing herb, blue fls - bed on S side of Boyer
Vigna caracalla vines - stairway from Rieber Court to Sunset Village
Vicia villosa sprawling vine, narrow compound leaflets, purple fls - Sage Hill
Viburnum tinus ½ m shrubs, clusters of tiny white fls - at west entrance to Geology Bldg
Viburnum suspensum 1m hedge - along W side of Perloff
Viburnum odoratissimum several trees with white fls - at NE entrance to Rolfe Hall
Umbellularia californica row of small trees along N and S edges of Switzer Plaza lawn
Ulmus parvifolia trees - NW corner of parking structure 3
Tulbaghia violacea tall herb, lavender fls - W side of Powell Library
Tropaeolum majus prostrate sprawling vine, orange fls - near stream N of Collins
Trifolium repens herb, trifoliate lvs, 1cm white fl balls - such as Delta Terrace lawn
Triadica sebifera small deciduous tree, poplar-like lvs - above steps from, Rieber down to Delta
Tradescantia(Setcreasea) pallida 40cm herb, purple lvs, pink 3-petal fls - court on W side of Medical Plaza 200 Bldg
Tradescantia fluminensis low herb, succulent stems, white 3-petal fls - E of Stone Canyon Creek
Trachycarpus fortunei two hairy-trunked palms - at W entrance to Moore Hall
Trachelospermum jasminoides low vines, fragrant white fls - N side of Math-Sciences at sidewalk
Trachelospermum asiaticum cv 'Summer Sunset' vining shrubs, lvs yellow & green - N int crt, Schoenberg
Toxicodendron diversilobum * 1m shrubs - on lower slope near path S of parking lot 10
Tipuana tipu line of trees - in court on S side of Reagan Hospital
Tibouchina urvilleana shrubs - W side of Guest House in several planters
Tibouchina heteromalla 1m shrubs, blue fls - on slope E of Sproul Hall
Thymus vulgaris prostrate subshrub, tiny aromatic lvs - herb garden, NW corner Delta Terrace
Thunbergia gregorii vine growing in ivy - S side of parking lot 36 on Wilshire
Thomasia solanacea 1/2 m shrubs, 7cm deeply toothed hairy lvs - NW corner of Ostin Music Ctr
Thevetia(Cascabela) peruviana low shrubs - on E side (at S end) of parking structure E
Teucrium fruticans 1m shrubs, gray lvs, white undersides, blue fls - hillside E of parking lot 10
Tetrastigma voinierianum vine, large lvs in 4-5's, brown stems - on fence N of Dykstra NE corner
Tecomaria(Tecoma) capensis understory shrubs - in Cornell Grove NE of Young Dr N & Royce Dr
Tecoma stans 1m shrubs, serrate compound lvs - S side of Bunche Hall
Taxus baccata cv 'Fastigiata' pair of columnar trees - at E entrance to Humanities
Taxodium huegelii(mucronatum) *grove of large conifers - on lawn on E side of Moore Hall (labeled T. distichum)
Tagetes lemmonii 1-2m shrubs, cmpd fragrant lvs, yellow fls - NW Switzer Plaza above lawn
Syzygium paniculatum Spindly trees - on E side of Royce, between Fern Pine and Deodar
Symphoricarpos mollis subshrubs with opposite round lvs - along steps on S side of Ackerman
Syagrus romanzoffiana 2m potted palm trees, narrow leaflets - N side of Canyon Point
Strelitzia reginae large-leaf herb - Canyon Point interior court
Strelitzia nicolai tall monocot - along W wall of parking structure 9, N of entrance
Stenocarpus sinuatus 3 large trees - on SE side of Semel
Stachys byzantina low herb, gray woolly lvs - under Olive trees on E side of Luskin Ctr
Spathodea campanulata 1m re-sprouted tree, compound lvs - Geology-Young Interior Court
Spathiphyllum hybrid herb, ribbed lvs, 15cm white spath - E wall of court on W side of 200 Med Plaza Bldg
Solanum xanti shrubs, blue fls - on hillside E of parking lot 10
Solanum mauritianum 3 spindly trees, fuzzy lvs - Matematical Sciences internal court, NE end
Solanum douglasii 1/2 -1m herb, white fls - along stream N of Collins
Solandra maxima vine on arbors - in both the central and western interior courts, CHS
Sisyrinchium californicum 30cm herb, narrow grass-like lvs, 6-petal yellow fls - Engineering VI, E side
Sisyrinchium bellum ½m grass-like herb, blue fls, yellow stamens - Engineering VI, W & E sides
Sesleria autumnalis clump grass, erect stems - W & E sides of Engineering VI
Sequoia sempervirens large tree - N of Collins Ctr near stream
Senecio sp 1/2m shrub, small linear lvs, yellow ray-less fls - SE entrance to CHS Parking
Senecio cineraria 30cm herb, fine divided white felted lvs - W side Covel Commons
Sedum rupestre low herb, yellow succulent spiky lvs; NE entrance to Parking 8 on Strathmore
Sedum morganianum trailing stems of small fleshy lvs - in pots on E side of Luskin Ctr
Sedum decumbens low herb, small succulent lvs - S side of Strathmore at Parking 8
Sedum adolphii trailing stems with rosettes of yellow fleshy lvs - SW of Bunche Hall
Schinus terebinthifolius trees - on W side of Macgowan Interior Court
Schinus molle trees - at W-side entrance road of Easton Stadium
Schefflera pueckleri pair of tall trees - at W entrance of Boyer
Schefflera elegantissima shrub, toothed palmate leaflets - 2 pots at E entrance of Rieber Hall
Schefflera arboricola variegated shrubs - NE corner De Neve Evergreen
Schefflera actinophylla trees - on S side of Young Research Library in well near entrance
Scaevola aemula herb mats - planter near SW corner of Covel Commons
Sarcococca ruscifolia 1m shrubs, white fls, red to black berries - N side of Humanities, E of NE entrance
Sansevieria trifasciata 30cm herb, striped blade lvs - along N side of parking structure 8
Sambucus nigra 1-2m shrubs, tiny white fls - Engineering VI, W side
Salvia spathacea herb, lvs lobed at base - SE of Tennis Ctr under tall pine trees
Salvia officinalis * 1/2 m herb, narrow aromatic lvs, blue fls - S side Reagan Hospital
Salvia microphylla -Hot Lips- 1 m shrubs - along steps W from Bradley down to Gayley
Salvia mellifera aromatic shrubs, purple fls - Sage Hill area E of parking lot 10
Salvia leucantha shrubs, 25cm blue/white flower spikes - S side Weyburn Commons
Salvia hybrid cv 'Bee's Bliss', low shrubs, grayish lvs, blue fls; Switzer Plaza, S side
Salvia clevelandii 1 m shrubs, balls of blue fls - S & W sides of Ostin Basketball Ctr
Salvia chiapensis 1m shrubs, whorls of 2cm maroon fls - S side Sycamore Crt, Weyburn Terrace
Salvia apiana 1m shrubs, thick white stems & whitish lvs - E side of EngineeringVI
Salix lasiolepis trees, narrow lvs - along Stone Cyn Creek, N of Collins Ctr
Russelia equisetiformis sprawling shrubs, tubular orange fls - Schoenberg N interior courtyard
Ruellia hybrid 1/2 m sprawling shrubs, hairy lvs, blue fls - on E side and SE corner of Factor Bldg
Rubus ursinus sprawling thorny shrubs - in field on N side of Collins, W of Anderson
Rosmarinus officinalis sprawling shrubs - in planters on S side of Rolfe
Rosa hybrid cv 'Noare', red groundcover rose - on SW corner of parking structure 32
Rosa californica 1m deciduous prickly-stemmed shrub, pink fls - Engineering VI, W side
Roldana petasitis 1m shrubs, purple stems, 20cm velvety lvs, yellow daisy fls - N side of Ostin
Ricinus communis large-leafed shrubs - hillside area E and S of parking lot 10
Ribes viburnifolium low shrubs, erect red stems - S of CHS Parking entrance from Le Conte
Ribes speciosum spiny-stemmed shrubs, red hanging fls - E side Ostin Music Ctr
Ribes indecorum 1/2 m shrubs, 2cm lobed lvs, white tubular fls - N side Engineering VI
Ribes aureum 1/2 m shrubs, small 3-lobed lvs, yellow fls - Ackerman S side along steps
Rhus(Searsia) lancea broad tree - in barbecue area, NE of Family Pool, Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr
Rhus integrifolia 1m shrubs, 6cm round-tipped lvs - W of Saxon F behind bench
Rhus aromatica 1 m deciduous shrub, trifoliate lvs - NW of Mullin (Anderson)
Rhopalostylis sapida 'shaving-brush' palm - at S end of Bunche Hall Interior Court
Rhododendron hybrid shrubs, hairy-edged lvs, red fls - S side of middle interior court, CHS
Rhapis humilis multi-stemmed fan palm - in CHS Dentistry Count, far SE corner
Rhapis excelsa 2m thin multi-stem fan palms - along N side of parking structure 8
Rhaphiolepis indica cv 'Clara', white fls - W side of Lu Valle Commons
Rhamnus ilicifolia 3m trees, spiny margin lvs; NE of Family Pool, Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr
Rauvolfia samarensis *2 large trees - at S end (and N end) of Dentistry Court, CHS
Quercus virginiana cv 'Cathedral' 4m trees; NE of Luskin Conference Center
test test
Quercus lobata * deciduous tree - in raised planter at NE corner of Kerckhoff
Quercus agrifolia 8 trees in 2 rows - between Ackerman & West Alumni Ctr
Pyrus kawakamii broad tree, dark bark - on S side of James West Alumni Ctr
Pyrus calleryana cv 'Aristocrat' trees - Weyburn Terrace, eg. both sides of South Lane
Pyracantha hybrid shrubs - De Neve Court entrance from Gayley, N side
Psoralea pinnata 2-3m shrubs, soft needle foliage, blue fls - Schoenberg W side
Psidium sartorianum tree - at NE corner of enclosed court on E side of Marion Davies
Psidium guajava 4m tree, square stems, opp 15cm lvs - NW corner parking 36 on Veteran
Prunus lyonii small tree, 8 cm shiny lvs - W of Anderson in Stone Cyn Creek restoration area
Prunus laurocerasus 1m trimmed hedge (no fls) - along W side of Dodd
Prunus ilicifolia small tree, 5cm shiny sharp-toothed lvs - on Sunset NE of Spieker
Prunus cerasifera atropurpurea small trees - in planters on E side of Westwood Plaza, near Le Conte
Prunus caroliniana 5m trees, 1cm blue fruit - W side of Geffen Hall
Potentilla indica low herb, trifoliate lvs, yellow fls - bed SW of Covel Commons
Portulacaria afra succulent shrubs - planter boxes along W wall of Lu Valle Commons
Polystichum munitum 1/2m pinnate narrow-frond ferns - behind bench on E side of Engineering VI
Polygala fruticosa 1/2 m shrubs, rounded lvs, blue fls - W side of Guest House
Podocarpus macrophyllus tall hedge - along N side of Fowler Museum near E end
Podocarpus henkelii line of trees - on E side of Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr parking structure
Podocarpus elongatus -Monmal- 2m trees, 6cm bluish lvs - along E side of Medical Plaza 100 Bldg
Plumeria rubra tree with long lvs, red fls - on S side of Gold Hall
Plumbago auriculata shrubs - W side Royce Drive near Fernald School
Pleioblastus pygmaeus running bamboo, 1/2m woody stems - Geffen Hall interior courtyard
Plectranthus scutellarioides herb, colorful lvs - on patio on W side of Medical Plaza 200 Bldg
Plectranthus neochilus low herb, round lvs, blue fls - Schoenberg mid interior courtyard
Plectranthus forsteri 1/2 m herb, 12cm velvety triangular lvs, yellow margins - Ostin N side
Plecostachys serpyllifolia 1/2 m shrubs, white stems, 1cm round fuzzy grayish lvs - Ostin Music Ctr W of Cafe
Platycladus orientalis two 6m conifers, flat foliage sprays - Humanities W side entrance
Platanus x acerifolia(hispanica) grove of trees - on lawn on E side (N end) of Kinross Bldg
Platanus racemosa tree grove - at Broad Art Ctr on SW corner
Plantago major broad-leaf lawn herb - Anderson North Lawn
Pittosporum viridiflorum 10m tree, pale bark with white dots - in NW interior courtyard of Schoenberg
Pittosporum undulatum trees - E side of Faculty Ctr, on Hilgard
Pittosporum tobira common 1m hedge, leaf edges rolled under - such as W side Franz near bldg
Pittosporum tenuifolium 1m shrubs, small, flat white-edged lvs - steps from Murphy parking to bus terminal
Pittosporum rhombifolium tree - SE entrance to Haines in planter at top of steps
Pittosporum phillyraeoides a spindly tree, narrow lvs - on N side of Rieber Terrace
Pistacia chinensis two deciduous trees, compound lvs - on W side of Hedrick Summit
Piptochaetium fimbriatum small clump grass, open seedhead of 1-floret spikelets - Ostin Music Ctr
Pinus thunbergii cv 'Thunderhead' 2 small pines - on W side of Reed Neurological Research Ctr
Pinus roxburghii large pine trees, thick cone scales - parking 2, mid E side near structure
Pinus radiata large tree - on Hilgard E of Law
Pinus pinea young 3m trees; SW of Geffen at CHS parking entrance
Pinus patula four red-barked pines, drooping needles - Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr, NW of Park pool
Pinus halepensis grove at motorcycle parking area on E side of Franz
Pinus canariensis trees along bridge between Royce & Anderson Alumni Plaza
Phyllostachys nigra trimmed bamboo, black stems - NW corner Jacaranda Court, Weyburn
Phyllostachys bambusoides tall bamboo, dark green stems - W side Weyburn Paseo
Phyllostachys aureosulcata tall bamboo, 5cm green stems with yellow grooves - E side of parking structure DD
Photinia x fraseri 1m shrubs, white fls - on wall of Glickman Crt, S side of Law Bldg
Phormium tenax cv 'Dusky Chief' 4cm wide maroon lvs to 1m - Court of Sciences Student Ctr
Phoenix roebelenii 1-2m dwarf palms - against E wall of Palm Crt, Weyburn Terrace
Phoenix reclinata multi-trunk palm - W of Young Hall on lawn
Phoenix dactylifera 2m palm seedling - in Ivy bed, N side of Geology
Phoenix canariensis four large palms - Weyburn Terrace NW of Warren Hall
Phlomis fruticosa ½ m shrubs, woolly lvs, yellow fls - NW Switzer Plaza
Philodendron xanadu groundcover, deeply lobed lvs - Schoenberg N interior courtyard
Philodendron bipinnatifidum 2m large-leafed shrubs - in open lower-floor Dentistry area, CHS
Persicaria(Polygonum) capitata groundcover, small round patterned lvs - S of Terasaki
Persea americana small tree - in garden area at N picnic area, Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr
Peritoma arborea 1m shrub, trifoliate lvs, yellow fls - SW of Engineering VI near street
Penstemon hybrid herb, narrow opposite lvs, red tubular fls - W side of Medical Plaza 100 Bldg
Pennisetum spathiolatum 1m grass, 1 x 8cm tan seedhead - W side of Hitch D
Pennisetum setaceum 1m grass, 15cm fluffy seed-heads - NE corner Factor Bldg
Pelargonium x peltatum herb, fleshy lvs, lavender fls - in pots at N entrance to Royce Hall
Pelargonium x hortorum 1/2m herb, purple fls - Math-Sciences, below W side entrance
Pelargonium tomentosum 25cm herb, woolly lvs, small white fls - W side of Ostin Music Ctr
Passiflora quadrangularis vine, broad non-lobed lvs, 10cm blue fls - Reagan Hospital, S side, top of steps
Passiflora caerulea vine, 5-lobed lvs, 5cm blue & white fls - fence, Sunset & Veteran bus stop
Paspalum vaginatum dense turfgrass - on upper deck, Court of Sciences Student Ctr
Parthenocissus tricuspidata vine - on N and E walls of Physics-Astronomy Bldg
Parthenocissus quinquefolia five-leafed vine - on wall at parking 3 entrance off Hilgard
Parthenocissus henryana vine, cmpd lvs maroon below - W side of Schoenberg on wall
Parkinsonia x -Desert Museum- small tree closer to P. aculeata parent - S side of Sproul Commons
Pandorea jasminoides vine - on columns on S side of Law Bldg (with Distictis vines)
Oxalis pes-caprae 30cm herb, trifoliate lvs, yellow fls - mid Court of Sciences under labeled Ginkgo
Oxalis oregana low herb, trifoliate lvs purple beneath - N side Engineering VI along steps
Osteospermum hybrid groundcover herb, bright daisy fls - NE of Geology on street
Osmanthus heterophyllus 1/2 m variegated shrubs - S side of Humanities at the top of steps
Osmanthus fragrans 2 hedges - on W side of Delta Terrace courtyard lawn
Opuntia littoralis low cactus - Sage Hill S of parking lot 10
Opuntia basilaris 1/2 m cactus, both pink and yellow fls - on roof of Court of Sciences Student Ctr
Ophiopogon planiscapus low herb, narrow black lvs - raised planter on W side of Covel Commons
Ophiopogon japonicus 25cm clumps of dark grass-like lvs - NE corner of De Neve Evergreen
Ophiopogon jaburan cv 'Variegata', groundcover - N side of West Alumni Ctr under Magnolias
Olmediella betschleriana *three dense trees - at Research Library NE corner across form Sculpture Garden
Olea europaea pair of trees - at Haines E side entrance
Oenothera berlandieri herbs - beneath tree on 2nd floor terrace on SE corner of Bradley
Nolina microcarpa stemless clump, narrow lvs, curly-thread tips - roof of Court Sci. Student Ctr
Nicotiana glauca tall, spindly shrubs - on hillside area E of parking lot 10
Umbellularia californica row of small trees along N and S edges of Switzer Plaza lawn
Nephrolepis exaltata large fern, arching narrow fronds - in pot on N side of Canyon Pt
Nephrolepis cordifolia 1m ferns, narrow erect fronds - NW end of Terasaki interior courtyard
Nassella tenuissima Whispy clump grass - S of Wasserman along entrance drive
Nassella cernua 1/2m grass, very long thin awns - SW of Engineering VI at road
Nandina domestica tall shrubs, persistent red berries - W side of Arts Library
Myrtus communis 1m shrubs - E side of Krieger Child Care Ctr near main entrance
Myrica californica columnar shrubs, 3 x 1 cm lvs - at S end of Math-Sciences breezeway
Myoporum parvifolium probably cv 'Putah Creek', low groundcover - on N and on E sides of Terasaki
Murraya paniculata hedge, small compound lvs - Boelter Hall entrance at SE corner
Muhlenbergia rigens tall clump grass - under Carob tree, NW corner of Ostin Music Ctr
Muhlenbergia dumosa bushy grass, 10cm wispy narrow lvs - N side Ostin
Muhlenbergia capillaris 1m grass, pink airy seed heads; SE end of bed E of Luskin Conf. Ctr
Muehlenbeckia complexa sprawling vine, dark wiry stems, small lvs - SE corner, Ostin
Morus alba 8m deciduous tree - on steps at NW corner of Rolfe Yard
Monstera deliciosa large-leafed vine - on N wall on N side of entrance bldg, Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr
Monardella villosa ow shrub, opposite ovate lvs, long petals - Engineering VI, W & E sides
Miscanthus sinensis 1m bunch grass, seedhead of ~6 arching spikes - Saxon parking entrance
Mirabilis jalapa 1m shrubs, large lvs, tubular red fls - SE entrance to CHS near Dentistry
Mimulus cardinalis 1/2 m herb, 4cm red fls - W and SW of Engineering VI
Mimulus aurantiacus 1/2 -1m shrubs, golden fls - hillside E of parking lot 10
Microlepia strigosa 1m fern, broad fronds - Bunche Interior Courtyard
Michelia(Magnolia) x alba line of 3 trees - on walk down to lower NW entrance to Humanities
Metrosideros excelsa tree, lvs white felty below - E side of Student Activities Center
Metasequoia glyptostroboides small deciduous conifers - on street on S side of Terasaki and Hershey
Melaleuca styphelioides *tree - on Young Dr. East, S of Westholm, another on S side of walk S of Schoenberg
Melaleuca quinquenervia trees, pale papery bark - SE corner of Saxon H
Melaleuca nesophila trees, peeling bark, short narrow lvs - W side of Bradley Hall
Melaleuca linariifolia tall trees - W of Volleyball Crt, W of Family Pool, Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr
Melaleuca incana prostrate woody stems, small gray lvs - W side Ostin under Sycamore
Maytenus boaria grove of trees - on E side of Rieber Terrace, N of Rieber Hall
Marah macrocarpus sprawling vine, white fls - Sage Hill slope E of parking lot 10
Malva pseudolavatera 1-2m herbs, 15cm round lvs, 2cm fls - Stone Cyn Creek E of parking lot
Malus x purpurea 5m tree with purple (aging green) lvs - SW corner of Humanities
Malosma laurina aromatic trees - along path S of parking lot 10
Malacothrix saxatilis spindly-stemmed herbs - at base of hillside E of Krieger Child Care Ctr
Mahonia lomariifolia 2m shrub, spiny lvs, pale blue fruit - on wall at N entrance to Rolfe
Magnolia(Talauma) hodgsonii tree with large lvs - at Royce NW corner
Magnolia x soulangeana small tree, whitish bark - Court of Sciences W of Young Hall
Magnolia stellata 2m deciduous shrub, white fls, narrow petals & lvs - Canyon Point western interior court
Magnolia hybrid cv 'Vulcan', 4m tree with red fls - on N wall of Kaufman near NE corner
Magnolia grandiflora cv 'Saint Mary', line of trees - along N and W sides of Kaufman at NW corner
Magnolia doltsopa small tree, 20 x 10cm lvs, fragrant white fls - W side Campbell Hall
Loropetalum chinense rubrum cv 'Hines Purple Leaf' shrubs - in raised planters NE of Le Conte-Westwood intersection
Lophostemon confertus 3m trees, crowded 10cm lvs - W side of Switzer Plaza
Lonicera japonica large groundcover bed - at top of slope W of Powell
Lonicera hildebrandiana vine, large white=>yellow fls - fence on W side of Bellagio Drive
Lomandra longifolia variegated cultivar, white-edged lvs - Medical Plaza 100, E side
Lobelia laxiflora 40cm tall, narrow-leafed herb, red fls - mid E side of Law Bldg under Sycamores
Liriope spicata low herb, small blue fls on short stalk - NE corner of Saxon G
Liriope muscari cv 'Silvery Sunproof'' grass-like groundcover - N side of Orthopaedic Hosp Res Ctr
Liriodendron tulipifera two deciduous trees - on E side of Mathematical Sciences
Liquidambar styraciflua long avenue of deciduous trees - along N side of Biomedical Res. Bldg.
Limonium perezii ½ m herbs with blue fls - bed between Sproul Hall and Delta
Ligustrum lucidum small tree, opposite 8cm lvs - in notched NE corner of Bunche Hall
Ligustrum japonicum cv 'Texanum', hedge - on S side of parking structure DD bordering Century Plants
Leymus condensatus cv 'Canyon Prince', wide gray-green lvs - at S end of Hitch Suites
Leptospermum scoparium 1m hedge, white fls - along W side of Powell
Leptospermum laevigatum ~five small trees, white fls - at top of steps on N side of Gonda Court
Lavandula hybrid 1m stems, blue fls - circular turn-around bed NW of Bradley
Laurus nobilis dark 5m multi-stem trees - E side of Humanities: three on N end, one on S end
Lantana montevidensis low shrubs, purple fls - raised bed S of Dentistry
Lantana camara low shrubs, yellow fls - SW of Faculty Ctr on Westholme Ave
Lampranthus spectabilis mat groundcover, sm fleshy lvs, purple fls - along steps S side Fowler
Lagunaria patersonii line of trees, pink fls - on E side of Law Building
Lagerstroemia x hybrid cv 'Muskogee', six trees, pink fls - around south end of Guest House parking lot
Lagerstroemia indica large trees - entrances to De Neve Evergreen & Birch
Koelreuteria paniculata spindly staked trees, cmpd serrated lvs - above Medical Paza parking area
Koelreuteria elegans 2 trees with bipinnate lvs - parking lot on E side of Murphy
Koelreuteria bipinnata deciduous trees, twice-compound lvs - S of walk S of Schoenberg
Kleinia(Senecio) mandraliscae prostrate blue-green finger-thick lvs - S of Bunche Hall
Kigelia africana * two trees with hanging sausage-like fruits - S side of Moore
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora herb with round succulent red-edged lvs - in pots at Luskin Ctr entrance
Kalanchoe pumila low succulent, small gray-green lvs, violet fls - Wooden Ctr 2nd floor outside patio
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Succulent herb, orange fls - patio on NW corner of 700 Westwood Plaza
Kalanchoe beharensis ½m herb, large undulate lvs - in pots on E side of Luskin Ctr
Justicia brandegeana 1/2 m shrub, opp. lvs, shrimp-like fls - interior court on S side of Boelter
Juniperus squamata cv 'Blue Star' low mounding conifer, blue foliage - W side Wasserman Football Ctr
Juniperus hybrid cv pfitzeriana 'Glauca' 2m shrub, blue-gray foliage - S wall of Parking 1
Juniperus chinensis cv 'Torulosa', trees - on N side of Melnitz
Juncus patens 40cm herb, round unbranched stems - W side of Engineering VI
Juncus effusus pacificus as at SE corner, clusters of tiny brown fls near stem ends - NW corner Eng VI
Juglans californica large and small trees, compound lvs - bank W of walk, W of Anderson
Jasminum mesnyi 2m vining shrub, yellow fls - along path S of Sunset, N of Drake Stadium
Jacaranda mimosifolia *tree - at center of courtyard between Geology and Franz
Iris douglasiana 1/2m herb, narrow strap lvs, white fls - Geffen Hall interior courtyard
Ipomoea accuninata(indica) vine, 8cm blue fls, lvs cordate to lobed - fence on S side of De Neve Drive
Ilex x koehneana trees with large (for holly) spiny lvs - S of Bunche Palm Court
Ilex x altaclerensis Wilsonii shrubs, large lvs some spiny - on Veteran just N of Gayley, under pines
Ilex pernyi tree - at steps to street on W side of Semel Institute Auditorium
Ilex cornuta cv 'Burfordii', 1m shrubs - along N wall of Life Sciences under Purple-leaf Plums
Ilex aquifolium tree, 8cm lvs with many spines - SW corner Humanities
Hypoestes phyllostachys foliage plant, pink spots on lvs - patio W side Medical Plaza 200
Hypericum calycinum groundcover - N side of Melnitz along E end
Hymenosporum flavum tree - SE corner of Boelter
Hydrangea macrophylla ½ m herb, 20cm balls of pink to blue fls - W sides Geology & Young Hall
Howea forsteriana palms - in sunken planters at entrance and exits of Medical Plaza underground parking
Houttuynia cordata low herb, heart-shaped lvs, white fls - Reagan Hospital S side
Hibiscus syriacus shrubs, lobed lvs, double white fls - W side of Geology under Magmolias
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 1-2m shrubs, large lvs - E side of Boelter near breezeway
Hibbertia scandens 1m vining shrub, 4cm yellow fls; S side of Dentistry
Heuchera maxima herb, large round lvs, tiny white fls on 1/2 m stalks - N side Engineering VI
Heuchera hybrid mounding herb, red or white fls on taller stalk - Ostin Music Ctr
Heteromeles arbutifolia 2m trees, dark foliage, red berries - southern edge of Switzer Plaza
Hesperoyucca whipplei yucca with tall stalks of white fls - on hillside area E of parking lot 10
Hesperaloe parviflora 1m herb, strap lvs with white threads - Anderson Alumni Plaza, SE end
Hemerocallis hybrid red fls cultivar - along N side (E end) of Student Activities Ctr
Hedychium coronarium 1-2m herb, strap lvs, white fls - edge of Stone Cyn Creek, N of Collins
Hedera helix ivy, 4cm Bird's-Foot lobed lvs - pots on E side of Jules Stein
Hedera canariensis ivy, large lvs, long red petioles - in well on W side of Murphy Hall
Harpullia pendula * 8m tree - on S side of Mathematical Sciences near breezeway
Harpephyllum caffrum large tree - between Mathematical Sciences and Engineering V
Handroanthus(Tabebuia) impetiginosa line of trees - along E side of Ashe Center (E side of Wooden Ctr)
Handroanthus(Tabebuia) chrysotricha two deciduous trees, yellow fls - E of Boelter in court
Hakea suaveolens 2m hedge - on E side of Guest House along Hilgard
Grewia occidentalis hedge - on S side of Murphy near SE corner
Grevillea victoriae 1/2 m shrub, 5x2 cm lvs, red tubular fls - W side Canyon Point below slope
Grevillea thelemanniana shrubs - E of Park pool at Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr near fence
Graptopetalum paraguayense small rosettes of pale fleshy lvs - in pots on E side of Luskin Ctr
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis line of deciduous trees - on W and N sides of Molecular Sciences
Ginkgo biloba row of 6 deciduous trees - NE corner of Hedrick Hall
Gelsemium sempervirens vine on trellis on wall, S side of Semel
Geijera parviflora 3m trees, tan bark, narrow lvs - S side of Bunche around benches
Gazania linearis groundcover, yellow fls - NW corner of Perloff
Garrya elliptica cv 'James Roof' shrubs, long gray catkins - E side of Ostin
Gambelia speciosa 1m hirsute shrubs, small lvs, red fls - NE of Strathmore-Young Dr intersection
Furcraea foetida 1m succulent with 10cm wide stiff lvs - W end of court between Geology & Franz
Fuchsia hybrida low shrubs - below Hakea hedge, Delta Terrace courtyard
Fraxinus uhdei two tall trees - on E side of Molecular Sciences
Frangula(Rhamnus) californica 1/2 m shrubs, dark red berries in Fall - E side of Geffen Hall
Fragaria vesca groundcover, toothed trifoliate lvs - N side Engineering VI
Fragaria chiloensis trifoliate groundcover - N edge of court on N side of Hershey
Foeniculum vulgare lacy, aromatic herbs - along path S of parking lot 10
Ficus rubiginosa Especially dark leaf undersides - S side of Anderson at entrance steps
Ficus pumila x carica sprawling groundcover, 10cm lvs - in planter at NE corner Court of Sciences
Ficus pumila small-leaved vine covering building walls - Kinross Bldg South
Ficus mysorensis tall tree - in NE corner of Boelter interior court
Ficus microcarpa trees - N & S side of Westholm-Hilgard campus entrance
Ficus macrophylla broad tree - NW corner of Capital Programs Bldg
Ficus lyrata tree, lvs 50 x 30cm - pot inside east-most entrance on Murphy N side
Ficus elastica 4m tree, 30cm lvs - in parking lot 11 near N end
Ficus carica young fruit trees, large lobed lvs - NW corner of Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr
Ficus benjamina 4m trees, variegated lvs - in pots on N side of De Neve Commons
Ficus auriculata tree with large lvs - in Schoenberg NW interior courtyard
Festuca rubra prostrate low grass - entrance to Schoenberg south interior courtyard
Festuca mairei 1/2 m clump grass, taller, narrow whitish seadheads - on slope E side of Doris Stein
Festuca glauca grass - in planters in courtyard on W side of Medical Plaza 200 Bldg
Festuca californica 1/2 m grass, open seedhead, ~6 floret spiklets at branch end - W side Schoenberg
Fargesia robusta 3m bamboo, persistent white culmsheaths - NW edge of Geffen Hall
Euryops pectinatus hedge - at SE and SW corners of Campbell
Euphorbia tirucalli 2m shrub, reddish pencil-like stems - S side of Weyburn Palm Court
Euphorbia milii shrub, thorny stems, fls 2 red bracts - patio W side Med. Plaza 200
Euonymus japonicus cv 'Aurea' 1m yellow-leaved shrubs - at centers of Dickson Court South, and North
Eucalyptus viminalis large trees - on the E side of Easton Stadium
Eucalyptus sideroxylon tall trees with dark bark - in parking area on S side of Murphy Hall
Eucalyptus polyanthemos New small trees, round 4cm diameter lvs - N side of Saxon E
Eucalyptus nicholii 2 trees - NE corner of Hedrick Hall, also one on W side
Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Rosea', 5m tree, red fls - at SE entrance to parking structure 3
Eucalyptus grandis trees - SE corner of Perloff
Eucalyptus globulus grove of large trees - along N side of Young Drive North, N of Intramural Field
Eucalyptus deglupta three tall trees - on E side of parking structure E (S of Dentistry)
Eucalyptus cladocalyx trees - along E and W sides of both Dickson Court N and Dickson Court S
Eucalyptus camaldulensis tall tree - NW of Drake Stadium above slope on street
Eschscholzia californica 25cm mounding herb, gray-green foliage - NE Ostin Basketball Ctr
Escallonia x exoniensis 1m shrub, tubular pink fls - S of Mira Hershey below wall
Escallonia bifida 1m shrubs - along S side of Parking 3
Erythrina x sykesii tree, dark thorns on branches - Physics & Astronomy W side
Erythrina lysistemon large tree, red fls - in Boelter interior court, S side
Erythrina falcata broad dark-trunked tree - at S end of parking lot 10 above fence with Veteran
Erythrina coralloides tree - on patio just E of the S entrance to Reagan Hospital
Erythrina caffra broad, thick-trunked tree - NW corner of Schoenberg
Eriogonum grande rubescens low shrubs, lvs dark above, white below, rose fls - Ostin Basketball Ctr, W side
Eriobotrya japonica tree - NW corner of tennis courts on S side of Strauss Tennis Stadium
Eriobotrya deflexa 2m shrub in pot - NE side of Weyburn Jacaranda Court
Erigeron karvinskianus 25cm sprawling herb, 1-2cm white daisy fls - base of slope W of Canyon Point
Equisetum hyemale 1m rushes - along outer edges of Courtside interior courtyard
Epipremnum aureum vine, variegated lvs - long narrow raised planters at Weyburn Paseo
Epilobium canum 1/2 m shrub, hairy lvs, red tubular fls; W side of Engineering V
Encelia californica small shrubs, ray fls yellow, 3-lobed - S of Bunche Hall
Elegia(Chondropetalum) tectorum(elephantinum) clumps of reed-like stems to 1m - Schoenberg S interior court
Elaeagnus x ebbingei cv 'Gilt Edge', 1m variegated green and yellow lvs - SE corner Bunche Hall
Ehrharta erecta 1/2 m grass, short blades, thin stems - Stone Canyon Creek area
Echium candicans 1m shrubs - on slope W of Saxon near road
Echeveria hybrid herb rosettes, fleshy green, black or lavender lvs - NW corner Sproul Hall
Dymondia margaretae mat groundcover, lvs white below - under oak trees NE of Luskin Conf. Ctr
Duranta erecta cv 'Alba” sm tree, white fls; W side Palm & Olive Crts, Weyburn Terr.
Dracaena reflexa angustifolia 2m thin stems, whorled 20 x 2cm lvs - pot on N side of Covel
Dracaena fragrans 2m stalk, variegated herb - Mathematical Sciences, N side, at entrance
Doryanthes palmeri monocot herb, 2m sword-like lvs - S side of Broad, below Stenocarpus trees
Dombeya cacuminum tree with broad maple-like lvs, red fls - at SW entrance to parking 3
Dombeya burgessiae Seminole multi-trunked shrub, pink fls - mid N side of Parking Structure 9
Dodonaea viscosa columnar shrubs, 6 x 1 cm papery lvs - below SW corner of Humanities
Distictis x Rivers vine, tubular lavender fls - SE corner Graduate School of Education & Information
Distictis buccinatoria vines on long trellis - along S side of Hedrick Summit
Dietes grandiflora 1m strap-leaf herbs, 3 yellow spots on fls - mid Medical Plaza parking
Dietes bicolor rhizomatous monocots, fls on 1m stems - E side of Jules Stein
Dierama pendulum cv 'Album', herb, strap lvs, hanging white fls - Schoenberg inner court
Dicksonia antarctica 2m tree ferns, dark hairy stems - E side of Hitch A
Dianella tasmanica 1/2 m herb, white-edged strap lvs, small blue fls - E side of Saxon G
Delairea odorata groundcover vine under pine trees - De Neve Drive N of RC Parking
Cyrtomium falcatum ½ m ferns, leaf-like pinnae; in beds above steps on E side of Life Sciences
Cyperus involucratus 1/2 m herb, triangular stem, umbrella-rib-like lvs - along Stone Cyn Creek
Cymbopogon citratus 1m bunch grass, lemony lvs - herb garden behind, Delta Terrace
Cycas revoluta shrubs - W side of Guest House near steps
Cyathea cooperi tree ferns - between Aloe and Cypress Crts, Weyburn Terrace
Cussonia paniculata 2 small trees, deeply lobed cmpd lvs - Schoenberg, W of middle interior courtyard
Cupressus sempervirens tall conifers - along W wall of Physics-Astronomy
Cupressus arizonica 6m conifer tree, scaly foliage; NW side of Cypress Crt, Weyburn Terrace
Cuphea ignea 1m hedge - at Franz S entrance into Franz-Geology courtyard
Cupaniopsis anacardioides small tree, cmpd lvs - SE corner of Ackerman under taller trees
Crotalaria agatiflora tall intergrown shrub, trifoliate lvs, yellow fls - Hilgard across form Comstock Ave
Crassula multicava low fleshy-leafed herb, delicate wispy fls - Schoenberg northern court
Crassula argentea Succulent bush - top of steps E of Family Pool, Sunset Canyon Rec Ctr
Cotoneaster lacteus small sprawling tree, red berries - E of Hedrick Summit above SCRC
Cotoneaster dammeri low mounding shrubs, woody stems, red berries - on S side of parking structure 1
Cotinus coggygria small purple-leaf trees - both sides of W entrance to Courtside
Corymbia(Eucalyptus) maculata *trees - Sculpture Garden, especially S side
Corymbia(Eucalyptus) ficifolia tree, striking red fls, 1u201d capsules - on S side of Janss Steps near bottom
Corymbia(Eucalyptus) citriodora two tall trees, blond bark - Moore, W side, at base of steps
Corylus americana 3m deciduous shrub, multi-stemmed, 10cm lvs - on steps mid S side of Fowler
Cortaderia selloana clump grass, 2m tall plumes - NE of Krieger towards Sunset
Correa hybrid cv 'Ivory Bells', u00bdm shrubs, lvs gray below, 4-petal white fls - Ostin SW corner
Cordyline hybrid 2m stems, yellow-striped green lvs - N side NW Campus Auditorium
Coprosma hybrid cv 'Evening Glow' shrubs, narrow red-blotched lvs - raised planter W side of Delta Terrace
Convolvulus arvensis vine, white fls, intergrown with Mexican Feathergrass - Wasserman S side
Commelina diffusa low herb, tiny orchid-like blue fls - N side of Royce under Deodar
Coleonema pulchellum shrubs, 10 x 1mm lvs, pink fls - top of S-most stair, Drake Stadium seating
Coleonema album 1/2 m shrubs, needle-like lvs, tiny white fls - Schoenberg S interior crt
Coffea arabica three columnar 2m trees - Reagan Hospital SE side
Codiaeum variegatum colorful, large-leafed herbs - in 4 pots at S entrance to Canyon Point
Cocculus laurifolius trees - Faculty Ctr, N side
Clytostoma(Bignonia) callistegioides vine - on fence along E side of SCRC parking structure
Clivia miniata variety citrinus, yellow fls - NW corner of Public Affairs along walk
Citrus hybrids 4 young trees - in bed between Sproul and Delta
Cistus x purpureus 1 m shrub, narrow lvs, purple fls with red spot - Reagan Hospital, S side
Cistus incana 1.5m shrub, fuzzy lvs, 3cm pink fls - Sage Hill across road from Krieger
Cissus rhombifolia trifoliate vine on trellis - street side of Public Health
Cissus antarctica vine, 9 x 6cm lvs, tendrils - SRLF, near NE corner
Cinnamomum camphora trees - W edge of campus on Veteran from Sunset to Gayley
Chlorophytum comosum herb, new plantlets at end of long flower stems - N side Franz at entrance
Chionanthus retusus trees - W side of Picnic Area, Sunset Canyon Rec Ctr
Chilopsis linearis young staked 3m trees, large pink fls - Engineering VI, W side
Chamaerops humilis small palms - E side of Slichter Hall and Geology
Chamaedorea metallica 1m palms, shiny broad fish-tail lvs - both ends of Bunche interior court
Chamaedorea elegans 1-2m palms - in planter and beneath tall palms in court on S side of Factor Bldg
Chamaedorea costaricana 2m bamboo-like palms - in middle of CHS Dentistry Court
Chaenomeles x superba 1m deciduous shrub, 2cm red fls - S side of Sculpture Garden
Cestrum nocturnum tall shrub - at SW corner of loading dock area between Covel and Courtside Suites
Cercis occidentalis small trees - around periphery of Court of Sciences Student Ctr
Cercis canadensis cv 'Forest Pansy' 2 small trees - at SW corner of Haines + 4 on S entrance steps to Perloff
Ceratonia siliqua bushy trees, round glossy leaflets - Bellagio below Easton Stadium
Cephalotaxus harringtonia cv 'Prostrata' low shrubs - below Arbutus unedo at N entrance of Royce Hall
Centranthus ruber subshrubs, showy red fl clusters - raised planter W side Delta Terr. courtyard
Ceiba(Chorisia) speciosa three thorny-trunked trees - Sproul, E side, upper patio
Cedrus deodara cv 'Electra', 3m tree, silver-blue foliage - S side of Switzer Plaza
Cedrus atlantica -Glauca- 3m tree, blue foliage - raised planter on E side of Switzer Plaza
Ceanothus spinosus 2m thorny shrub - Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr, California native garden, NE of Family Pool
Ceanothus hybrid cv 'Dark Star' 1/2 m shrubs, small lvs, dark blue fls - Switzer Plaza S end
Ceanothus griseus cv 'Diamond Heights' groundcover, lvs yellow & green - NW side Luskin Ctr
Catharanthus hybrid 1/2 m bushy herb, 2cm white fls - under trees E of Boelter Hall
Casuarina cunninghamiana small tree - N side of SRLF, along loading dock driveway
Cassia leptophylla trees - W of De Neve Birch
Carpobrotus chilensis mat-forming succulent, 5cm magenta or yellow fls - parking lot 11 under Sycamores
Carpenteria californica two 1m shrubs, white fls; - Engineering VI, E side behind bench
Carissa macrocarpa thorny shrubs - N Campus Student Ctr, NE corner
Carex praegracilis 30cm rhizomatous grass-like sedge - E side of Switzer Plaza
Carex divulsa Sedge, seedhead with many small tufts - along walk on W side of Ostin
Canna indica 1m herb, large lvs, erect red fls; mid Boelter interior courtyard
Camellia sasanqua cv 'Showa-No-Sakae' pink semi-double - Fowler NW corner
Camellia reticulata *cv 'Arcadia' shrub - in camellia garden at NW corner of Fowler Museum
Camellia japonica cv 'Silver Waves' shrub, white semi-double fls - W side Marion Davies
Calycanthus occidentalis 1m deciduous shrubs, large lvs, red fls - NE corner Engineering VI
Calodendrum capense * 8m tree, pink fls - on lawn W of Geology-Young Court
Calocedrus decurrens 6m tree, scale-like foliage - S side of Parking DD near Gayley
Callistemon viminalis small trees in pots - on balcony on S side of Murphy
Callistemon citrinus cv 'Little John' dwarf bottlebrush shrubs - on S wall of Law
Calliandra tweedii shrubs - along E side of Murphy parking lot and along steps down to bus stop
Calliandra haematocephala low shrubs - at scoreboard, S end of Drake Stadium track
Calandrinia spectabilis rosettes of sm succulent lvs, tall stems, blue fls - SE corner of Tennis Stadium
Buxus microphylla japonica low hedges - in Macgowan interior court
Buddleja davidii 1m shrubs, lvs white below, cones of purple fls - patio on SE corner of Bradley
Buchloe dactyloides cv 'U C Verde' 15cm prairie turfgrass - E and W sides of Geffen Hall
Brunfelsia pauciflora shrubs - E side of Collins
Brugmansia hybrid tall shrubs, pale orange or pink-edged white fls - walkway S side parking 8
Brassica nigra open, 1m herb, yellow fls - along E side of parking lot 10
Brahea edulis several long rows of palms - lining Rieber Court
Brachychiton populneus three 4m trees, 7 cm oval to lobed lvs - S side of Acosta/Knapp bldg
Brachychiton discolor *three broad-trunked trees - E of SE corner of Boelter Hall (labeled B. bidwillii)
Bouteloua gracilis grass, 4cm horizontal spikelets - SW sides of Ostin Basketball Ctr
Bougainvillea hybrid cv 'Rosenka' blooms orange turning pink - planters on E side of Reagan Hospital
Bothriochloa barbinodis 1m grass, nodes white hairy - Court of Sciences Student Ctr, rooftop
Bocconia frutescens 2m shrub, deeply lobed lvs, small petal-less fls - Ostin, N of Cafe
Bignonia capreolata vine, bifoliate lvs, tendrils, 5cm red fls - Northwest Campus Auditorium, NW corner
Betula nigra cv 'Dura Heat' deciduous trees, papery bark - S side Wasserman & NW corner Doris Stein
Beschorneria yuccoides succulent herb, 1/2 m strap lvs, 1-2m red stem, red bracts - W side of Wasserman
Bergenia crassifolia herb with round succulent lvs - bed W of Hedrick W entrance
Berberis repens low shrubs, leaf margins spiny, yellow fls - N side Geffen Academy
Berberis aquifolium low shrubs, yellow fls - N of Jules Stein along walk
Begonia hybrid low herbs, round, dark lvs, white to red fls - raised planter Weyburn Paseo
Beaumontia grandiflora large-leafed vine - S end of court on E side of Gonda
Bauhinia x blakeana tree - S side parking structure 3, near W end and 3 trees near E end
Bauhinia variegata candida two trees - near middle of S side of parking structure 3
Bauhinia variegata tree - on patio on N side of Sproul Hall (tree to E is B. x blakeana)
Barleria repens low shrub, soft lvs, tubular red fls - N side of Ostin Music Ctr
Barleria obtusa 1m shrub, lvs soft hairy - W wall of Schoenberg southern interior crt
Bambusa vulgaris cv 'Vittata' bamboo - at main entrance to Krieger Child Care Ctr
Bambusa textilis tall bamboo, new culms glacous blue - Geffen Hall, Interior Crt and N side
Bambusa oldhamii tall bamboo - along E wall of Parking Structure 5
Bambusa multiplex cv 'Alphonso-Karr' smaller bamboo - at planter edges in Courtside Residences interior court
Baccharis salicifolia 2m shrub - in native garden NE of Family Pool, Sunset Canyon Rec Ctr
Baccharis pilularis cv 'Pigeon Point' prostrate shrubs - garden at SE corner of Molecular Sciences Bldg
Aucuba japonica 1m shrub, 15cm yellow-speckled lvs - E side Hedrick Hall under palm
Asplenium bulbiferum low fern, finely cut fronds bearing plantlets - Reagan Chinese Herb Bed
Aspidistra elatior 30cm dark green-leafed herb - Boelter Interior Court
Asparagus densiflorus cv 'Meyersii' cat's tail-like branches - planter on E side of Factor Bldg
Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice', herb, 30cm ball, fine gray foliage - Ostin W side
Artemisia douglasiana 1m herbs with silvery leaf-undersides - near stream, W of Anderson
Artemisia californica sprawling low shrubs, fine gray foliage - W side of Ostin
Artemisia 'Powis Castle' 1m herb mound, soft white foliage - Medical Plaza above parking area
Aristea ecklonii 1/2 m herb, strap lvs, blue fls - on hill on S side of Bradley
Arctostaphylos hybrid low shrubs, tiny white urn fls - SE end of Crt of Sciences Student Ctr
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana six 3m palms, 1m feather-fronds - E side of Engineering VI
Arbutus x Marina trees - in court between De Neve Gardenia and Holly residences
Arbutus unedo broad-trunked tree - at SE corner of Murphy Hall
Araucaria heterophylla two trees - on slope on W side of Canyon Point Residences
Aptenia Red Apple low mats of small succulent lvs, red fls - Ueberroth Bldg, SW corner
Antigonon leptopus vine - on fence along walk on E side of Rieber Hall (above Sproul Cove)
Anigozanthos hybrid cv 'Big Red' 1m herbs, strap lvs - raised planter on W side of Delta Terrace
Anigozanthos flavidus 1m herb, long narrow lvs - raised planter W of Bradley
Angophora costata large smooth-barked tree with ribbed capsules - between Bunche & Campbell
Anemone hupehensis japonica 1m tall herb, tri-foliate lvs; NW of Engineering VI near Ackerman
Alyogyne huegelii 4 small trees, blue fls; De Neve Evergreen, N side
Alstroemeria hybrid 30cm herb, inner petals barred, many colors - E side of Ashe under Fig trees
Alpinia zerumbet 2m herbs, large lvs - entrance to Parking 9 from N side
Aloe vera Erect succulent lvs, weak margin spines - SE side De Neve Dr at Bellagio
Aloe striata Ssp. karasbergensis, lined lvs - Ostin Music Ctr, W side
Aloe sabaea gray-stemmed succulent, pale draped lvs - W side Ostin
Aloe kedongensis 1m herb, succulent narrow toothed lvs - NE of Saxon Commons
Aloe hybrid cv 'Scarlet Rockets' 1/2 m succulent, dark red fls - W side of Ostin Music Ctr
Aloe arborescens *2m succulent, rosettes of spike-edged lvs, orange fls - CHS Center Interior Court
Alocasia odora 2m herb, huge 1m leaves - Schoenberg, N interior courtyard
Alnus rhombifolia trees, alternate 8 cm lvs - at SW corner of parking lot JS
Albizia julibrissin small trees, fls with pink stamens - Perloff Courtyard, E side
Agonis flexuosa fragrant-leafed trees, rough brown bark - around Canyon Point Residences
Ageratina adenophora 1/2 m shrubs, white fls - under trees N of parking structure 7
Agave vilmoriniana thick, unarmed succulent lvs - S side of De Neve Dr, Belagio intersection
Agave victoriae-reginae dense 30cm succulent ball, white-edged lvs - S side Powell Library
Agave sisalana cv 'Mediopicta' succulent lvs, yellow centers green edges - Wooden Ctr balcony
Agave parryi blue-green succulent lvs, spiny teeth along margins - Wooden Ctr balcony
Agave hybrid rosettes of thick blue-green lvs - Bradley Hall, Ahmanson interior court
Agave guiengola low succulent, pale, broad, 30cm long lvs - NE side Broad near street under trees
Agave desmetiana 1m rosettes, succulent, yellow edged lvs; NE side parking 8 on Strathmore
Agave attenuata x shawii cv 'Blue Flame' 40cm succulent - on upper level of Court of Sciences Student Ctr
Agave attenuata 1/2 m herb, white-variegated rosettes - E side of SV Parking Structure
Agave angustifolia cv 'Marginata' hemisphere of spiny lvs - Hilgard below steps to Murphy
Agave americana large succulents - raised planter on W side of Courtside Residences
Agapanthus praecox orientalis herbs, variegated, gold-edged lvs - Schoenberg middle interior court
Afrocarpus gracilior trees - along S side of Sunset Cyn Rec Ctr parking structure
Aeonium hybrid 20cm succulent rosettes, tall white flower stems - Hilgard at Bus Terminal
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum cv 'Zwartkop' 20cm rosettes of purple succulent lvs - Wooden Ctr 2nd floor patio
Adiantum capillis-veneris 20cm clump fern, finely-divided foliage, dark wiry stems - Reagan Hospital SE side
Acorus gramineus yellow grass-like herb - SE of De Neve Gardenia on Gayley
Achillea tomentosa herb, gray-green foliage, yellow fls - S side of Bunche Hall
Achillea millefolium 20cm herb, fine divided lvs, white fls - W side of Engineering VI
Acer palmatum tree, small 5-7(9) lobed lvs - W side of Spieker Aquatics Ctr
Acca(Feijoa) sellowiana 2m trees, leaf undersides white - Luskin Ctr, SE side along Strathmore
Acanthus mollis W side of Rieber Vista under pine trees
Acacia redolens shrubs - mid E side of Bradley N, along walk
Acacia melanoxylon tall trees & seedlings - N of Krieger along fence to Sunset Blvd
Acacia longissima sm tree, 10cm x 2mm lvs(phyllodes), white fls - SCRC, W of Spieker
Acacia longifolia shrubs - on E side of Royce Dr, W of University Residence
Acacia cyclops small trees, persistent empty dark seed pods - slope N of Saxon E
Acacia cultriformis shrubs - on path N of Intramural Field along Sunset
Abutilon pictum cv 'Thompsonii' 1/2 m shrubs, yellow speckled lvs, orange fls - planter W of Sproul Hall
Abutilon hybrid 1/2 m shrubs , yellow fls - NE corner Sproul Hall at street level
Abelia x grandiflora hedges - at vending machines on S side of Drake Stadium