Species: Tibouchina urvilleana
Family: Melastomataceae
Common Name: Princess Flower
Location:2m shrubs, purple fls - planter at W end of Bunche Hall
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Species: Tibouchina urvilleana
Family: Melastomataceae
Common Name: Princess Flower
Location:shrubs, purple fls - at NW entrance of Franz
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Species: Tibouchina urvilleana
Family: Melastomataceae
Common Name: Princess Flower
Location:shrubs - W side of Guest House in several planters
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Species: Tibouchina urvilleana
Family: Melastomataceae
Common Name: Princess Flower
Location:cv 'Athens Blue' shrubs - on SW side of parking structure 32 under Paperbark trees
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Species: Tibouchina urvilleana
Family: Melastomataceae
Common Name: Princess Flower
Location:2m shrubs - on E side of Collins
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