Species: Howea forsteriana
Family: Arecaceae
Common Name: Kentia Palm
Location:tall palms with slender green trunks, prominent leaf-scars - Bunche Hall Interior Court
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Species: Howea forsteriana
Family: Arecaceae
Common Name: Kentia Palm
Location:palms - CHS Dentistry Court
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Species: Howea forsteriana
Family: Arecaceae
Common Name: Kentia Palm
Location:palms - in sunken planters at entrance and exits of Medical Plaza underground parking
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Species: Howea forsteriana
Family: Arecaceae
Common Name: Kentia Palm
Location:palms - court on S side of Factor Bldg (with King Palms)
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Species: Howea forsteriana
Family: Arecaceae
Common Name: Kentia Palm
Location:palm grove - on N side of Life Sciences, S of La Kretz Hall
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